Thursday, November 10, 2011

Dear Editor,

Andrew Tupper (NT News Letters 7th November, 2011) apparently believes in the theory that human-induced-climate-change presents some kind of future catastrophic threat to life on this planet.

At the end of his letter he even provides a website where readers can check out some of the dire predictions of the World Meteorological Organisation.

Andrew says in his letter: “Proper debate associated with the peer-review process is our best way of avoiding bullying, conspiracy, funding rorts and so on.”

Who could disagree with such a statement?

Although it seems to me that all the bullying, conspiracy and funding rorts clearly involve those who endorse (or pretend to endorse) and promote the theory and affects of man-induced-climate-change.

Those of us who do not accept the theory, generally, do not engage in any of the above.

Andrew would of course be well aware that there are thousands of eminent scientists all around the world – and many here in Australia who do not share his views.

However, forgetting the arguments for and against the theory of man-induced-catastrophic-climate-change, my main problem is as follows:

*Most Australians did not vote for a Carbon Dioxide Tax when they voted at the last election. Indeed Prime Minister Gillard told us there would not be a Carbon Tax under the government she led. She stole the election by telling a lie!

*The Carbon Dioxide Tax, now passed by the Senate, and when implemented will not reduce Australia’s Carbon Dioxide emissions. In fact they will increase. The Government’s own figures tell us so. Those companies that emit high volumes of Carbon Dioxide, such as power-generation companies will be forced to buy so-called carbon credits from shonky overseas countries just to stay in business – whilst at the same time increasing power costs to the consumer. This crazy nonsense will send billions upon billions of Australian dollars to overseas schemers who could not care less about Australia or the theory of human-induced-climate-change. The only beneficiaries, apart from these fraudsters, will be China, India – and in fact every other country that has not imposed such unnecessary constraints on their industries.

*Australia produces less than 1.4% of world Carbon Dioxide Emissions. If, one day, the theory of man-induced- catastrophic-climate-change is found to be true, Australia’s efforts would have had no affect whatsoever. Even if we shut the entire country down the affect on the world’s climate would not be measurable.

*The effect of this totally useless, yet dangerously destructive Carbon Dioxide Tax threatens the future prosperity of all Australians.

*Recently the Minerals Council of Australia has calculated that: “Australia’s GDP will be a cumulative $180 billion lower in 2020 rather than $32 billion lower suggested by the Treasury analysis.”

*The Carbon Dioxide Tax is Socialism by stealth; a climate-change Trojan Horse aimed at producing a massive tax grab for a hopelessly wasteful and breathtakingly incompetent government - with a bit of good old socialist wealth re-distribution thrown in as a sweetener.

*Whether one believes in the theory of man-caused-catastrophic-climate-change or not, we must stop this destructive tax.

Yours truly,

Dave Wane

1 comment:

  1. This letter was never published. The NT News is of a course a News Limited publication, and for reasons best known to those folk who edit the letters, are reluctant to publish my letters. Of course that is their right. There are plenty of lefties employed by News Ltd: people who do not share my free-enterpise, small-government, minimum taxation, minimum regulation philosophy. I understand that and have no choice but to accept it, albeit sadly. You see, it depends on who gets the job (at least at the NT News) of reading the emails on a particular day!If a left winger has the job on a particular day, I would have Buckley's.

    However, people like me, unlike the Rudd-Gillard Socialists, will never agree that government's should ever try to control Australia's free press in any way!

    Only Socialists, like Gillard and Rudd do such things. I have never been a socialist, and never will be!
    Freedom is what is badly missing in Australia today - in all areas.
