Monday, February 22, 2010

Schools comparison

Dear Editor,

Surprise, surprise (well not to me) the school rankings lists published in the NT News clearly shows that in most cases non-government schools have out-performed those run by the NT Government.

It therefore seems obvious that salubrious buildings and facilities, highly paid (and protected) teachers and a massive education department bureaucracy are not required to produce outstanding educational outcomes.

In fact I am reliably informed that the education department bureaucracy is far more of a hindrance than a help to those teachers in the public sector who are truly dedicated to achieving the best results for their students.

It is high time that this NT government, and in fact all state and territory governments began dismantling the vast, unproductive and expensive empires that the under-performing public education system has created and began encouraging the creation of more independent (non-government) schools.

Not only will such a move save the ever-suffering taxpayer millions of dollars, but even more importantly, it will encourage good teachers to strive for excellence in education, as distinct from the government system which, as the rankings tables shows, produces mediocre or poor results.

Yours truly,

Dave Wane

30th January, 2009

Mandatory Energy Efficiency.

Dear Editor,

The Henderson Labor Government, like the similarly incompetent Rudd Labor Government is of course: All talk and no action!
Whilst Paul Henderson and Delia Lawrie continually make up-beat noises about how they are “dealing” with the lack of housing in Darwin and Palmerston - the reality is very different.

In fact, this hopeless government, having created the problem in the first place by failing to release sufficient land, continues to exacerbate the housing crisis by sticking their “beak” in (as they regularly do) where it is most definitely not required.

The stymieing of the proposed development of the old Bunnings site in Henderson’s Wanguri electorate is a classic example of his government’s intervention in the marketplace for no good reason. The end result, should this project eventually go ahead, will be fewer apartments at a higher cost. Hardly advantageous to those in search of accommodation – whether buyers or renters.

And again, recently, another housing affordability obstacle has been created by the Henderson Government with their decision to go ahead with a totally unnecessary “mandatory energy efficiency rating” for all new houses. We are told will this latest nonsense will add at least $14,000 to the cost of a $400,000 house. Surely no government which is really serious about wanting young Territorians to get into the housing market would even contemplate imposing such expensive and unwarranted nonsense on new home-owners?

Energy usage and efficiency is and always should be a matter for the individual. We have all seen the disasters (some sadly fatal) which have occurred when the Rudd Labor Government stupidly became involved in the provision of home insulation.

The Henderson government should immediately reject this nonsensical “mandatory energy efficiency” proposal, before it drives yet another nail in the coffin of home ownership for young Territorians.

Yours truly,

Dave Wane

Woodleigh Gardens

16th February, 2010