Monday, December 27, 2010

The effects of Big Bloated Government on labour supply in the NT.

Dear Editor,

In Darwin and throughout the territory we are again hearing of Employers who are unable to find workers for their businesses.

The Martin-Henderson government has of course already increased public sector employment by well over 5,000 since coming to power -and continues with this scandalously expensive practice by providing even more costly and mostly unnecessary “jobs”, almost on a weekly basis.

Could it be that the reason there are so few people available for real jobs out in the marketplace is a direct result of this government’s corruption of the Labour Market through excessive hiring of thousands of public servants?

Put simply: the “supply” of labour in the NT is limited, but the unnecessary and mostly artificial “labour demand” created by this government has used up so much of the “labour supply”.

Sadly, as a result of this, many young people now actively seek a safe, secure “claytons” job in the government with wages and conditions that are unaffordable in the real world - in the marketplace, leaving real employers without workers.

And of course all this was totally unnecessary, as there was never any justification whatsoever to increase the size of the already bloated NT public service of the Burke Government by 5,000.

Big Government causes Big Problems. The lack of workers available for real work in the NT is of course only one problem caused by the Big Bloated Henderson Government. There are plenty more.