Thursday, May 20, 2010

Myer Ulterior Motive

Dear Editor,

Could it be that the enthusiasm of Labor Senator Trish Crossin and Labor MHR for Solomon, Damian Hale to have a MYER store in Darwin is more to do with recruiting more sheep-like union members than any real desire to have the store established here?

After all union membership is far more common in larger businesses (like MYER) where workers often feel intimidated and are afraid to speak up against union membership.

Obviously, in small Darwin businesses which sell the kind of products that MYER stock, there is very little union membership. Things are usually negotiated in house, without the need for heavy-handed union tactics. That is the way it should be.

However, as we know, unions provide vast sums of money to the Australian Labor Party to help them at election time.

Therefore it simply is commonsense for local ALP federal politicians to do their bit for their union mates and help facilitate additional membership.

So, at the end of the day, it may well be that the motivation behind Crossin and Hale’s taxpayer-funded campaign for MYER is not necessarily 100% honourable.

Yours truly,

Dave Wane

12th May, 2010

6 VRD Drive,

Woodleigh Gardens,

NT 0812

Mobile: 0418894133

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