Dear Editor,
I note that the material for the campaign by Damian Hale MP and Senator Trish Crossin to “bring MYER to Darwin” “has been produced at Australian Government expense – by Senator Trish Crossin”.
In other words Australian taxpayer’s funds have been wasted on this totally unnecessary campaign to bring a MYER department store to Darwin.
Does anyone seriously believe that the “bean-counters” who work out the market viability of a possible future MYER store are really going to make their decision as a result of receiving a petition from Senator Crossin?
This is so typical of the reckless way Kevin Rudd and members of his big-spending, big taxing government throw taxpayer’s money away on all kinds of nonsense – from “Julia Gillard Memorial School Halls” at twice the market cost, to home insulation that has caused 4 deaths of installers and resulted in 120 houses burning down. The insulation repair bill alone for this nonsensical folly will be an ongoing cost that will burden taxpayers for many years to come.
Of course this is the very same Rudd Labor Government that now plans to levy a “Super-Tax” on Australia’s successful and productive resource sector. The sector that got Australia where it is today and dramatically helped us through the world economic downturn.
Whether MYER comes to Darwin or not, is of little consequence.
However to make Australia’s mining and resource sector the highest taxed in the entire world (which is what this tax will do) will have major consequences for our standard of living in the years ahead.
And most of us, including companies like MYER will suffer as a result.
Crossin and Hale are obviously grandstanding on this silly issue. This is typical “Rudd – Style” fare. It appears their leader; “Ringmaster” Kevin Rudd has trained them well in the art of introducing new stunts to keep the “audience” fooled.
It has worked for pretty well for Rudd to date, although it does seem that people are beginning to “notice” that maybe Emperor Rudd is naked after all.
For the sake of our nation, I hope the voters will finally wise up and “see” the real Kevin Rudd in all his unclothed “glory” well before the election.
Yours truly,
Dave Wane
9th May, 2010