Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Gillard and her Socialist Wreckers must go.

Dear Editor,

The election of Kevin Rudd in 2007 and then the eventual emergence of the minority Gillard Labor Government last year have in my view been major disasters for our nation.

As I see it Rudd and Gillard have in three and a half years destroyed all of the good work of the Howard/Costello Government – arguably Australia’s best government ever.

Nothing the Rudd-Gillard Labor Government has done has been of any value whatsoever to Australia or Australians.

In fact everything the Rudd-Gillard Government has done has been totally unnecessary and in all cases, disastrously expensive.

But this nonsensical tax on carbon dioxide emissions is without doubt the most unnecessary and destructive of all of their crazy schemes.

It will destroy our economy at a time when we need more than ever for it to remain strong -- as the world faces more dark financial clouds with Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal all verging on bankruptcy.

Fortunately, as current polls suggest, Australians have at last come to their senses and wised up to this incompetent government.

We now need an election as soon as possible to dispatch Gillard and her socialist allies to the dust bin of history.