Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dear Editor,

Regarding the proposal by the Country Liberals to cover the entire roof of Parliament House with solar panels…… to eventually “save” money.

One has to seriously question whether the Country Liberals have gone completely mad. Are they attempting to emulate Ringmaster Rudd with his never-ending circus of dumb, deadly, costly and totally unnecessary stunts?

Or could it be that the Country Liberals are attempting to “out-green” the pathetic, but big-spending (squandering) Henderson government which already wastes over $10 Million per year on “saving-the-planet” from man-caused-climate-change?

Remember: The output of carbon dioxide, per annum, by the Northern Territory amounts to only 2.4% of Australia’s total carbon dioxide emissions. And of course everyone is well aware that Australia’s total carbon dioxide emissions are less than 1.5% of the world’s total. We therefore could shut down the whole of Australia, and make no difference to any affect that carbon dioxide may have on the climate.

Yet this foolish, sheep-like Country Liberal Opposition plans, if they win government, to waste $2.5 Million of taxpayer’s money on the installation of solar panels on the roof of Parliament House. This “grand” scheme, they claim will pay for itself in 20 years.

I have been in business in Darwin for over 30 years, and I would never be even tempted to invest in any proposal that takes 20 years just to “return” your money.

Absolute madness. Something of the kind that only someone who is a follower of the failed theory of “Ruddernomics” would propose.

After all the shadow minister who proposed this utterly and indefensibly stupid idea is apparently an ex-Labor voter.

Based on this proposal and other similarly unnecessary and wasteful ideas coming from the Opposition, I do not believe there is not much hope of sound economic management for the Territory, even if the Country Liberals do win government.

It appears the Country Liberals will be “Henderson-light”, at best; but still a big, wasteful, massively over-manned government controlled by “advisors”, of the same kind that advise Henderson. Advisors, who in most cases have never earned a dollar in the REAL WORLD, in the marketplace.

And finally, have these geniuses considered the many problems that may occur when a fairly old roof has major construction work carried out above it and through it? Leaks and corrosion will almost be guaranteed – and eventually all the solar panels will have to come off to enable the installation of a new roof – only to be re-installed again – presumably. More taxpayer’s money down the drain.

Are you Country Liberals sure this was not another one of Kevin Rudd’s stupid ideas? Because it most definitely looks crazy enough to “qualify”.

Yours truly,

Dave Wane

25th April, 2010